To support the Indonesian government's aim to increase the number of qualified accountants in Indonesia, ACCA has signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) or the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants.
The agreement extension signed on 11 April 2019 provides an incentivised pathway for eligible IAI members to obtain the ACCA membership.
ACCA will provide a blanket exemption of nine papers at Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills level from the ACCA Qualification hence eligible IAI members are only required to complete the required Strategic Professional papers at a reduced fee to obtain the ACCA Qualification. (Please see the FAQs for a more information on the exemptions and the fees.)
All IAI members of good standing who hold full Chartered Accountants (CA) qualification as issued by IAI and are actively registered as IAI members.
To register or to find out more about this parthway, kindly email or call +6221 278 878 30 or download our FAQs.
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